Adventure Start


Greetings everybody,

Justin Ricafort— lead designer and chief creative officer of Everyone Shares One Butt Game here. I first wanted to share a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has landed on this page and/or seen our game.

The idea of this butt-based board game started with just a very normal night, procrastinating on college papers, and wanting to make something that me and my roommates could do together. We’ve come a long way since pen, paper, and cardboard.

It’s been two years now since the idea of this game began, and we would definitely not be here without the endless hours of gameplay, testing, and support from our best friends. Now, we’re on the road to our Kickstarter and we couldn’t be more proud and excited to share the game with you very soon.

Expect developer diaries, gameplay explanations, public play testing announcements, and updates on our Kickstarter here moving forward.

The spirit of the Everyone Shares One Butt Game is of human connection. Laughter, pettiness, sharing, conspiracy, and of course butts. I promise you there is nothing quite like this game, and I can’t wait for all the stories/fights/marriage proposals that come from it. Adventure start.

  • Justin

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