Community Efforts
Greetings everyone,
The heat is creeping in, the days are starting to feel beachy and/or lazy so I hope all of you are staying hydrated and active! We here at home base have finished a unnecessarily ridiculous photoshoot with the game, gone public on Asian Creative Network (shout out to any new #TooshTeamMates from ACN reading this!), and are preparing some video content and V.3 very very soon.
Meanwhile Butt Game HQ is also firing on all cylinders with one of the best, most challenging, and worthwhile endeavors: community building. Starting off as a mere pen and paper game, ESOB Game wouldn’t have survived without the late night play sessions at our apartment in San Diego. Many fights, laughter, suggestions, and encouragement later and we’re so much farther than we could have ever hoped.
Our mission is to continue to foster that spirit of community through working with groups offline and online. Can’t be too specific about details right now, but some of our plans include but are not limited to:
Influencer collaborations
Fundraising + public playtesting events
Card + Art crossovers
It’s very important to us that whether we’re big or small we can continue to build relationships and acknowledge the social impact we make on pre-existing communities while building our own. Parallel success is a wonderful, healthy, and inclusive mindset!
If you have any ideas/opportunities/collaborations you would like to discuss with us, feel free to email us at
Can’t wait to share more news, updates, and of course, THE BUTT with you all. Talk to you very soon!