ESOB Joins the #IndieCadeSummerSeries!
Dear past me,
I’m lost in a dimension called #IndieCadeSummerSeries and it is weird as bonks! In this dimension, the titular “The Everyone Shares One Butt Game” is featured on the confusingly named “Tabletop Simulator”. It’s like a carbonated soda copy of the game we love and know except made of code and bits.
Apparently if you have Steam, you can download the mod for the game at this link by clicking the “Subscribe” button! I don’t really know what any of that means and why we are back to using steam to power things. What is really great about this dimension is #IndieCadeSummerSeries appears to be an interplanetary government spaceship that aims to promote independent games and creators all over! I wonder if they could have advanced world peace or stopped a societal pandemic with all that energy, but they have lots of toilet paper so what they say goes!
ESOB x #IndieCadeSummerSeries
In your timeline, IndieCade will be featuring “The Everyone Shares One Butt Game” between Sunday, August 16th and Wednesday, August 19th on live streams, play-throughs, and developer interviews, even etcetera! It all is very exciting because it is. Follow all our channels below and keep up! It is my hope that everyone understands the plight of “Everyone Shares One Butt”, but will everyone share? Or will this just increase the competition between you and me and me and me? No time to think. As our red hatted cousin in an even different dimension says, “Let’s a Go!”.